Indianapolis, Indiana
Photos and Review by Laura Fox (LLFoxphotos)
Although I’m a relatively new fan of Dead Poet Society (the band, not the movie), I really like their music. You can hear a strong undercurrent of blues/groove rock in their songs, which have a razor-sharp edge to them. I had heard a lot of good things about their live show, so I had pretty high expectations when I took my place in the photo pit in the Egyptian Room at Old National Centre. The band not only met but also exceeded my expectations with a KILLER set in support of Highly Suspect on Friday, March 3, 2023.
Hailing from Boston, Dead Poet Society (DPS) consists of frontman/guitarist Jack Underkofler guitarist Jack Collins, bassist Dylan Brenner and drummer Will Goodroad. The foursome made a lot of noise – and new fans – on this tour with Highly Suspect, including a those in a packed house in Indianapolis.

The band was tight and intense, but it was obvious they were having a great time. Their energy rubbed off on the crowd, most of whom hadn’t seen DPS before. Underkofler’s vocals and licks were strong, and he did a great job engaging the crowd. Collins‘ demeanor was quiet, but his fingers were furious as they flew over the strings. Brenner nearly stole the show with his enthusiastic performance; I do like me a lively bassist! Goodroad won the best-smile award of the evening as he peeked out from behind and above his cymbals. I cracked up when he playfully drummed the top of Brenner’s head at one point.

Dead Poet Society is taking a break from touring for awhile – we can only hope they’re going back in the studio to make more amazing music.
Here's a link to my favorite DPS song on YouTube:
For more info on Dead Poet Society, click here: