Indianapolis, Indiana
Photos by Laura Fox
Review by Dave Fox

Nashville-based RED gained a lot of new fans in Indianapolis Wednesday night as the opener for Alter Bridge’s Pawns and Kings tour at The Murat Theater. After the first song, when lead vocalist Michael Barnes asked the fans how many of them were seeing RED for the first time, the packed theater was filled with cheers and raised hands. When RED finished their their final song, the theater was filled with even louder cheers, more raised hands, and an impressive number of devil horns.

Despite the intensity of their music, Barnes, along with, along with guitarist Anthony Armstrong, bassist Randy Armstrong, and drummer Brian Medeiros, seemed to be in a jovial mood. Barnes got the crowd to laugh appreciatively when he explained that if they didn’t use “The Band Red” in their searches, their results would be all about Taylor Swift.

I’ve had the opportunity to see RED live several times, and they never disappoint; their show at the Murat was no exception. The band was tight, energetic, and well-rehearsed. My only complaint: the set was too short!
For more about RED, including their newest album releases, click here: